Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Eve, Eve.

Yep, it's almost here! The hustle & bustle of the holiday season is coming to a close..well, Christmas anyway.

Being the great procrastinator, I headed out to shop last night. BAD idea! I will need reminded next year to shop early. I'm amazed by the rudeness of people in light of the Christmas season. I guess for some it really is about the gifts or whatever. I'm just about done shopping though & just need to pick up something for Kevin's nieces then I'm golden!

I also want to bake another batch of cookies. I'm making more Santa's Surprise but this time using mini reese cups inside. I also made some more saltine toffee & then some oreo truffles. I'm more than happy to post up those recipes if anyone would like them!

Training is going well & I'm officially in week 2 of half marathon training. It's easy thus far since it's still at mileage that I've been doing. Kevin's training with me at the moment & I'm hoping he'll run the race with me. He's veto'd running the 25K with us though! Smart man! ha!

I suppose that's really it! I need to be better about updating this & will work on that for the new year.

Oh & if you are need of a good laugh, please visit the Iron Maiden blog (linked to the right) & watch the You Tube clip. It's HILARIOUS! Thanks to Di for sharing that!

I really want to say thanks to those of you who've been a great support for me! I've been sad lately & it's expected having Christmas without Mom but it's through grace & blessings that I can really get through some of these days!

Merry Christmas to you all!


Sportsgirl said...

WOW!! You updated.... LOL

Hang in there Heather *hug*

Merry Christmas :-)

MarciaG said...

Merry Christmas!
Thinking of you!!

Kevin won't do the 25k!?!? What?!?! ;)
You are right...he is a smart man!