Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day! I hope your day is off to a great start! Ours began with Kevin's alarm clock going off at 5am because he forgot to turn it off. That typically only happens at my house :) We did fall back asleep until about 830ish though. We had a FANTASTIC run this morning too! It was cool out but the sun was brutal! But we knocked out 6 miles nonetheless. The scrawny high school cross country boys were out too! Actually, ALOT of people were out running, biking & walking. We happen to live in a pretty active community!

This weekend has been fun! We trekked to Amish country in Shipshewana, Indiana where we wandered. I bought a few things including some fresh pumpkin butter for me (which was FAB on my oat bran), huckleberry jam for Dad (who will also eat it on oat bran), low sugar dried pineapple (so yum) & finally some HOMEMADE FRESH candy corn! It's so yummy & has NO artificial taste to it. I was amazed!

Today we are just relaxing, watching a movie we never go to last night (got sucked into the TLC shows on obesity) & that's about it. I'm making traditional enchiladas for dinner & have the chicken cooking in the crock pot. Maybe tapping into a bottle of Shiraz as well.

Enjoy the last day of your weekend. Ours technically ends today but tomorrow we are off to see Jay-Z after work. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited!!!!

I'm sucked into a marathon of Gangland on History Channel at the moment. Not something that seems typical of me but I worked with troubled youth for many years. Many were gang bangers that were in the treatment facility as their last chance before prison. I learned so much from those kids & am still inttrigued by their lifestyles. We even had the Chicago Gang Unit come to educate our staff on the syndicates.

Okay, the vacuum is staring at me & unfortunately is not going to run itself in my house so I better get to it!

Have a FAB day!


Mellissa said...

Enjoy Jay-Z, I have heard is excellent in concert!

Krystal said...

hand over the shiraz and no one will get hurt.

Sportsgirl said...

Home made candy corn *gasp!*

High Heeled Mama said...

Have fun at the concert!!

Kathy said...

Homemade candy corn and pumpkin butter? I live in the wrong place! Candy corn is my downfall during this season but fresh ones would be the death of me.

Dotsie said...

Alton never turns his alarm off!! Wakes me up every weekend, boooo!!! I guess that's what I get for mine going off between 405am during the week! LOL